Minggu, 16 September 2018

Tugas 4 PBO A

Nama : Nadia Hasna Luthfianita
NRP   : 05111740000077
Kelas  : PBO A

Ticket Machine

 * TicketMachine models a ticket machine that issues  
 * flat-fare tickets.  
 * The price of a ticket is specified via the constructor.  
 * Instances will check to ensure that a user only enters  
 * sensible amounts of money, and will only print a ticket  
 * if enough money has been input.  
 public class TicketMachine  
   // The price of a ticket from this machine.  
   private int price;  
   // The amount of money entered by a customer so far.  
   private int balance;  
   // The total amount of money collected by this machine.  
   private int total;  
   * Create a machine that issues tickets of the given price.  
     public TicketMachine(int cost)  
       price = cost;  
       balance = 20;  
       total = 20;  
    * Return the price of a ticket.  
     public int getPrice()  
       return price;  
    * Return the amount of money already inserted for the  
    * next ticket.  
     public int getBalance()  
       return balance;  
    * Receive an amount of money in cents from a customer.  
    * Check that the amount is sensible.  
     public void insertMoney(int amount)  
       if(amount > 0) {  
         balance = balance + amount;  
       else {  
         System.out.println("Use a positive amount rather than: " + amount);  
    * Print a ticket if enough money has been inserted, and  
    * reduce the current balance by the ticket price. Print  
    * an error message if more money is required.  
     public void printTicket()  
       if(balance >= price) {  
         // Simulate the printing of a ticket.  
         System.out.println("# The BlueJ Line");  
         System.out.println("# Ticket");  
         System.out.println("# " + price + " cents.");  
         // Update the total collected with the price.  
         total = total + price;  
         // Reduce the balance by the price.  
         balance = balance - price;  
       else {  
         System.out.println("You must insert at least: " + (price - balance) + " cents.");  
     * Return the money in the balance.  
     * The balance is cleared.  
      public int refundBalance()  
        int amountToRefund;  
        amountToRefund = balance;  
        balance = 0;  
        return amountToRefund;  

input 1

output 1

input 2

output 2

input 3

output 3

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